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what my clients say

SHirley/Cape Town

I joined Jacqui's pilates years ago!  I had tried joining the Gym, having a Personal Pilates trainer( SO BORED), did boxercise...

Never lasted more than a year or so.

Jacqui somehow manages to keep me motivated . Her pilates is not ' normal" She adds her own unique twists, throws in Cardio workout , some yoga moves.

Even in Lockdown , I must admit I was apprehensive with Zoom classes being

'old school"  but somehow she makes it work.

On the plus side I have lost 9kgs without  dieting . My goal was to get fitter and stronger so when I got on the scales I was pleasantly  surprised. What a BONUS!

I have no hesitation in recommending her classes.

 Not only was Jacqui's online class a lifeline during our lockdown periods, but also she is an incredibly skillful Pilates teacher. While she looks after everyone's individual needs, Jacqui manages to focus on the entire group at the same time. The physical and posture changes I see after six months of workout with Jacqui keep me motivated, plus her very engaging and humorous nature. I highly recommend Jacqui's class, no matter where you are in this world. 

Liezl and Wilfred/Cape Town

Jacqui's classes make you work hard but it is so worth it. I had back trouble for years but never a day since starting these classes about 6 yrs ago.  Every class includes different exercises to strengthen your core, she provides excellent guidance throughout and her bubbly nature gets you through the most strenuous exercises

Dwyn/Cape Town

I was advised to try Jacqui's classes when I was experiencing excruciating back-pain. That was 5 years ago and I have never looked back. I have continued with her pilates class every week, and it has become part of my personal regime of physical care.  My back muscles have strengthened, but more importantly, my core has developed to the point that I am now able to manage some of her more advanced exercises. I can definitely feel it when I miss a class and, when I have been diligently attending classes, I can definitely feel an improvement in my pain - which means I sleep better and that means I have improved energy in my daily life. I will always recommend Jacqui's classes, not only for health maintenance, but also for pain management and improved support. I will never stop!

Kerstin hamburg/germany

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